The "In Search of Lost Time 5" Workshop, scheduled to take place in Rome from December 16th to 18th, 2024, is a highly specialized event focusing on the complex intersections of focal cortical dysplasias (FCDs) and autoimmune diseases with epilepsy. This meeting is endorsed by the European Reference Network for Rare and Complex Epilepsies, underscoring its importance and relevance to the epilepsy research community.
The rationale behind this workshop is to bring together leading experts, clinicians, and researchers from across Europe to address the pressing challenges in diagnosing, treating, and understanding FCDs and autoimmune epilepsies. These conditions present unique clinical challenges due to their complex and often refractory nature, requiring a multidisciplinary approach to improve patient outcomes.
By focusing on the latest advancements in diagnostics, including imaging and genetic techniques, as well as therapeutic strategies such as surgery, neuromodulation, and emerging gene therapies, the workshop aims to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange. The involvement of young clinicians and researchers through dedicated sessions also emphasizes the meeting's commitment to advancing the field by nurturing the next generation of experts.
Overall, the workshop is poised to make significant contributions to the understanding and treatment of these challenging epileptic conditions, with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of life for patients suffering from these disorders.